Due to school closure, we will be conducting online learning this week.

Online learning is not mandatory for Elementary School students, but it is provided for parents to continue the routine of your child’s learning throughout thi week.

Please make sure that these learning opportunities are fun and enjoyable for your students!


Monday – Ask your child to tell you a “real story about you” just like we have been doing in Writing Workshop. Ask them what happened first, next, and then. You can use hand cues (like counting one, two, three) to help your child talk about the three parts.

Tuesday – Have your child sketch their story across three pages. They can write words at the bottom or label their pictures if they feel comfortable doing so.


Please read with your child everyday!

Have your child teach you how to “partner read”. Ask them how to sit, where to place the book, and about taking turns choosing books.


Have your child look for things that are made of wood in your home (or the place you’re staying at right now). Have them share with you why they think it is made of wood and how they know. Ask your child to sketch three things they found that are made of wood, paying careful attention to details and colors.

More activities will be posted by Wednesday!